Welcome back to our blog! We really miss seeing you all and wanted to bring a little slice (emphasis on the word “slice”) of Perkins to you.
We always ask our customers about the dishes they adore, and one of our lovely regulars, when we asked about their favourite dessert, said: “It is without a doubt your Chocolate Souffle Cake with Chocolate sauce.”
The richness of the flavour pairs perfectly with the melt-in-the-mouth texture for a perfect pudding.
Everyone deserves a little sweet reprieve at this time, so we decided to share the recipe, to make one of your very own. Share your own creations on our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

The cake
225g dark chocolate (60% cocoa)
115g butter
115g caster sugar
4 eggs
85g soft tinned prunes (stones removed)
1 tsp brandy
Grease a loose-bottomed cake tin then line it with greaseproof paper.
1. Melt chocolate and butter in a Bain Marie (bowl over a pan of simmering water).
2. Once melted add the brandy and remove from the heat
3. Separate egg whites and yolks.
4. Whisk the egg yolks and sugar together until a pale yellow colour and thick in texture.
5. Blitz up the prunes in a food processor and add them to the egg yolk and sugar mix.
6. Whisk the egg whites to a stiff peak.
7. Add the egg yolk mixture to the chocolate and whisk.
8. Gently FOLD in the egg whites and pour the mixture into the cake tin.
9. Cook for 50 mins on 160oc.
The chocolate sauce
350g dark chocolate
1/2-pint full-fat milk
4 tbsp double cream
50g caster sugar
50g butter
1. Bring the milk and cream up to a simmer.
2. Remove from the heat and add the sugar whisking continually.
3. Once dissolved add the chocolate and butter and whisk till smooth (never boil the sauce as it will separate if this does happen add a little bit of cold milk and whisk gently).