Welcome back! We hope that you are all staying home and staying safe. It’s important that we do everything we can to protect our local communities and the NHS.
So…what have we been up to? The reaction to our announcement of closing for the duration of this pandemic has been heart-warming for the entire team to say the least, showing us just how lucky we are to have incredible friends like each and every single one of you reading this right now.
With this blog, we hope to keep in touch and let you all know what we’re doing at our homes! For this week, we called Heather – Head office manager and one of the talented team that keep us all going.
How are you settling in to being at home much more?
It’s weird! I’ve never spent so long at home, as you normally fill your spare time with plans to head out - whether it’s seeing your friends at the park or heading out to a restaurant.
To be honest, it’s giving me a lot more time to appreciate my own home more (plus being in pyjamas all day is great)!
What have you been up to?
My daughter and I painted a rainbow to go in the window, and we got to know our neighbours over the fence! It’s been great chatting to them - this lockdown has definitely brought us all out of our shells and given us the time to appreciate the community we have around us.
And then our neighbour Joan, from across the road, has started leaving us amazing cakes on the doorstep (contactless delivery, after all). The lemon & strawberry Bakewell’s and strawberry cupcakes were incredible!
Any film/tv/book/music recommendations?
Right, so we’ve got a few recommendations.
First one is not a family-friendly one, but Tiger King on Netflix has been life-consuming! Just such a bizarre show that you can’t take yourself away from.
And for the kids, we’ve been enjoying a lot of Disney Plus - marathoning the Marvel movies especially. On top of that, we’ve watched plenty of Harry Potter and read books over FaceTime to the grandparents.
What have you been eating in the lockdown?
Well, I’m married to a chef, so my quarantine food has been pretty nice! Easy one-pots like chilli’s and hearty pies. My personal favourite was a camembert with spicy tomato chutney, wrapped in bacon and pastry… Getting some ideas for the Perkins menu!
What’s the first thing you’re going to do when all of this is over?
Oh that’s easy - go and see my Mum and Dad! It’s easier to communicate than ever now, but a video call is never the same as actually being with them.